CMX Connect Denver: Future of Community One Year Later

May 5, 2021, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

Denver ->

Virtual event

About this event

2020 changed the way our world works and the community industry is no exception. In-person gatherings drew to a halt as people stayed home and in some cases, job loss, health concerns, and new obligations alienated people from their communities completely. It wasn’t all bad though. Many faced this unprecedented challenge by reimagining how community looks and innovating in ways previously never thought possible. 

We’re now at another turning point as many are planning a return to in-person gatherings and activations, while also plotting what a potential hybrid model may look like.

This panel of amazing Denver-based community professionals will face questions like: How have we grown? Where are we going? And what will we bring with us during this next phase of community building? Attendees are encouraged to bring their own questions too, so that we can discuss and continue to tackle these new challenges together.

As a bonus, we'll also be giving away a copy of The Business of Belonging to one lucky attendee! Hope to see you there.


  • Christy Augsburger

    Naturally Boulder

    Marketing & Community Manager

  • Emily Tella

    RISE Collaborative Workspace

    Community Manager

  • Natalie Viragh


    Brand Marketing US Community