Show and Tell! Your favorite productivity tips and tools for managing your chapter community

Jun 9, 2021, 4:00 – 5:30 PM

Chapter & UG programs ->

A speedgeek session for community managers. EVENT TIME: 9 AM (PST)/ 12 PM (EST) | 5 PM (GMT+1)

Virtual event
Superuser / Ambassador programsTools/Software/Operations


About this event

We all have our secret tool or technique that helps us manage our communities. But we're a generous group, so it's time to reveal our secrets!

Join us and share your favorite low-cost or free online tools that help you do your work more efficiently.

This event will be crowdsourced! We'll open up the floor for 5 minutes to anyone who has something to share. Don't bring a slide deck - just come prepared to share your favorite tools and techniques via a live demo.



  • Blake Ethridge


    Community Manager

  • Juan Diego Castaño


    Director de Comunidad

  • And you?

    Want to present?

    Reach out via the Contact form.

Connect Hosts

  • Drew Frey (Zendesk)


    Senior Manager, User Community Programs

  • Kat Jarvis

    Senior Community Consultant, IBM TechXchange Community

    Sr Community Consultant, IBM TechXchange Community

Virtual event