Asia Pacific



306 members

CMX Connect events are about harnessing the incredible power of community. This program fulfills the need for community professionals to come together in-person and learn, grow, and, well... Connect!

Join us in Lahore and meet your fellow community builders in person. If you work as a community builder, no matter what industry, then this group is for you.

Request an invite to the global CMX community Slack here: and join the #cmx-lahore channel once you're in.

Upcoming events


CMX HQ In Person Conference

CMX Summit 2025

Join us for CMX Summit 2025, the Conference for Community Building Experience the world’s leading event for community professionals where connections spark into opportunities, ideas come to life, and communities thrive!

Past events

In-Person Connect

Opensource Communities - CMX Connect 25th May 2024

CMX HQ Conference - Tickets

CMX Summit 2024

CMX HQ Virtual Conference - RSVP

CMX Summit 2023: ReShine

CMX HQ Conference - Tickets

CMX Summit 2023: Shine



Abdullah Ramzan

Senior Software Engineer (Product Veteran) PeachPay, Inc.

Rukhsh Ali

Community Manager Cridio Studio

Samia Zulfiqar

UX Director


Our Partners