Post-Eclipse Happy Hour

Aug 30, 2017, 12:00 – 2:00 AM

Portland ->

In-person event


About this event

We can't believe it's almost September! But before things get too crazy (as things always do in Portland in September), let's meet up.  We can talk about surviving the eclipse and think about what we want the Portland Series to do over the next several months. If you know more CMGRs, please bring them along! 

We had to change the location - sorry all! On the plus side, this is a great excuse to check out Vitaly Paley's new casual bar/eatery called The Crown. It's beverages and pizza, right next to his Imperial restaurant on Broadway. 



Wednesday, August 30, 2017
12:00 AM – 2:00 AM UTC


Happy Hour

Connect Host

  • Luca Albertinazzi


    Head of CMX Connect program

In-person event