The ‘Art of Listening’ and our 1st birthday! - London CMX Connect

May 28, 2020, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

London ->

Virtual event


About this event

Community managers have a boundary spanning role, where we need to listen to our community and to our organisations. How can we master the art of listening and apply our listening skills to improve communication, understanding and engagement?

Join us for a practical and supportive workshop-style webinar! Serena will start the discussion by sharing insights on the role of community managers and how to apply listening skills to benefit your community and your organisation. We’ll then move into breakout groups to discuss how to listen to our communities and to our organisations. We’ll focus on learning and sharing in a supportive and constructive way and you’ll leave with practical and helpful ideas.

As it’s our first birthday at CMX Connect London, we'd like to celebrate our growing community with a celebratory quiz. 



Thursday, May 28, 2020
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM UTC


Welcome and intro to CMX
Serena talks on The Art of Listening to your community
Break out in smaller group discussion - how do you master listening to your community
Back together to share discussions and birthday Celebration


  • Serena Snoad

    Alzheimer's Society UK

    Online Community Manager

  • Michelle Sims


    Global Community Lead

  • Nancy Kinder

    Connect and Share Consulting

    Community & KM consultant and trainer

Virtual event