Essential Community Building Tips

Nov 28, 2019, 5:30 – 7:30 PM

London ->

In-person event


About this event

This evening we'll focus on sharing practical community management experience . We have two speakers who will share their essential tips on two important areas: the value of community, and managing in-person events.

Samantha Hepburn’s session is titled 'You have a community, now what...?’

While we may live in an increasingly individualistic society, the value of community cannot be underestimated. In this session, you'll gain a solid understanding of what community means and the value it has for your business. You will get practical tips to get started straight away, including how to drive growth, engagement and how to measure success in a data-driven way.

Valentina Ruffoni will speak on the topic of ‘Building in-person community through events’.

As the Founder of Eat Out Madrid and CMX Connect Madrid Host, Valentina has built and scaled community both offline and online. She will share tried and tested techniques in building in-person events, keeping them going and encouraging people to attend.

After the talks, we'll break into groups to discuss the essential tips for community building. Please bring questions, challenges and your own essential tips to share with others.

As always, we’ll also have some time to network and get to know each other over drinks. Can’t wait to see you there!


  • Valentina Ruffoni

    Led By Community

    Head of Event Ops

  • Sam Hepburn


    Developer Community Manager



Thursday, November 28, 2019
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM UTC


Arrive & network
Talk by Sam
Talk by Valentina
Break out sessions
Networking continues
In-person event