Jun 22, 2022, 5:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)
Education and Nonprofit Sector ->
Summer is here!* Let's celebrate by getting together and sharing our success stories. Tell us about the projects that you pulled off, the KPIs you conquered, and the events you . . . evented the heck out of. This is your chance to brag without shame, bask in the applause of your fellows, and be inspired by the amazing work others are doing. *or winter, depending on your global perspective
Summer is here!* Let's celebrate by getting together and sharing our success stories. Tell us about the projects that you pulled off, the KPIs you conquered, and the events you . . . evented the heck out of. This is your chance to brag without shame, bask in the applause of your fellows, and be inspired by the amazing work others are doing.
*or winter, depending on your global perspective
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)
Welcome |
Past Success! |
Future Success! |
Committee for Children
Community Manager
Community Manager