Adrian Speyer: The Accidental Community Manager

Nov 7, 2022, 7:00 – 8:00 PM

CMX Book Club ->

Adrian, like so many of us, became an "Accidental Community Manager". Unlike most of us though, he wrote a book about it! We'll be talking to him about the book, and what he's learned along the way since he started in Community in 2009. He is now Head of Community at Higher Logic (Vanilla).

Virtual event
EngagementGetting Buy-InMetricsPlanning and strategySuperuser / Ambassador programs


About this event

Many of us have said we "fell" into Community, that it happened by accident. Adrian Speyer, Head of Community at Higher Logic (Vanilla), has written a book about that very thing: "The Accidental Community Manager." In his book he has a whole heap of insights and learnings from his years of experience helping businesses build communities. He tackles questions like: How can I get buy-in from my management on my community plan? What are the things I need to do to build a thriving community? What are the best strategies to keep ongoing engagement? What should I measure, and how can I prove my success? Come along to hear from Adrian and ask your own questions. 


  • Adrian Speyer

    Higher Logic

    Head of Community


  • Jeffrey Roe


    Senior Community Manager

Virtual event