Nov 22, 2021, 11:00 PM – Nov 23, 2021, 1:00 AM (UTC)
Brisbane ->
Brisbane Business Hub, Level 2, 155 Queen St, Brisbane, 4000
In this hosted panel you will hear from 3 experienced community managers across diverse contexts and industry as we explore their professional journey, lift the lid on their community and share impactful strategies to grow customer and cause communities online.
Join us in person at the Brisbane Business Hub to hear from community managers about their community journey.
In this hosted panel you will hear from 3 experienced community managers across diverse contexts and industry.
We will ask questions like:
- how did you get started on your community journey?
- tell us a bit about the social media community you manage/host
- what have been the biggest benefits that have emerged from your community?
- what have been the biggest challenges you have faced in your community?
- what strategies do you use to keep your community engaged?
- how do you deal with negative sentiment or behaviour in your social media communities?
- audience questions to lift the lid on these amazing communities.
Our panellists are Nicole Millard; Stay at Home Mum; Sandy Mott; Queensland Innovation Hub and Kate vanderVoort; Social Mediology
Stay At Home Mum
Project Support Officer
Social Mediology
November 22 – 23, 2021
11:00 PM – 1:00 AM (UTC)
Who's in the room? |
Panel Discussion |
Breakout sessions |
Grab a Cuppa Networking |