Manage a Community like a Product Manager


Dec 5, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

As community managers, we're used to working cross-functionally with almost all departments of an organization. It's nothing new to acknowledge that success hinges upon how well we're able to navigate the in's and out's of adjacent departments and collaborate with them in an impactful way.

About this event

Magda Zochowska, former community manager turned product manager, is going to discuss how community can work with Product and what we can learn from each other. She'll discuss:

- How she transferred her community skills and experience to become a product manager

- What openings exist for collaboration and how to amplify both teams' goals,

- How thinking like a product manager can add more impact to community building and community design.

Does this sound interesting and helpful? Join the Berlin Chapter for this 1 hour lunch time session:

Date: December 5, 2023
Time: 12:30 CEST

Connect Hosts

  • Joanna Buchmeyer


    Head of Community

  • Jennifer Serrat

