Middle East & Africa




Synergizing community leaders in Delta for greater impact and collaborative + collective ecosystem growth.

Helping community professionals thrive.

🌱 Why CMX Connect Delta?

As the startup scene continues to evolve and thrive, the need for a more coordinated community development effort becomes crucial. CMX Connect Delta is here to address this need by creating a collaborative environment that encourages innovation, fosters growth, and accelerates the maturity of ecosystems across various regions of Delta State.

🙌 Be a Catalyst for Change!

CMX Connect Delta invites you to be an active participant in the journey toward rapid growth and maturity of the community ecosystem. The impact will diffuse to the startup, tech, business, and other ecosystems. Together, let's create an ecosystem that thrives on innovation, collaboration, and sustainable development.

🎟️ Secure Your Spot:

Registration for CMX Connect Delta is now open!

Upcoming events

25 abr 2024

CMX HQ Conference - Tickets

CMX Summit 2024

The Conference for Community Building

28 abr 2024

Virtual Connect

Mastering Social Listening

This immersive workshop is designed specifically for Professional Community Builders, managers and enthusiasts looking to enhance their skills in social listening.

Past events

Virtual Connect

Embracing the Power of Belonging

CMX HQ Virtual Conference - RSVP

CMX Summit 2023: ReShine

In-Person Connect

Building and maintaining a positive community reputation

CMX Connect

Measuring Community Impact: Key Metrics and KPIs



Daniel Ude

Chapter Director